Welcome to the 2021 Sociology Undergraduate Research Competition! (SURC)
Theme: “Reviving Our Sociological Imagination”
This year’s competition will look different from previous years as we continue to address the changing conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s what you can expect!
- Instead of a series of presentations in a live Zoom session, this space will allow students to submit their research projects and facilitate community voting!
- In addition to submitting a research project, this year students can also submit a proposal to the Imagine BC competition.
- Prizes TBD. Stay tuned!
How do I participate?
- Do you have a social science focused research project you’d like to share with the Brooklyn College community? Read more about submitting a research project here or select the title Research Projects in the Site header.
- Submit your research project by 4/23 @11:59pm using this form. It should take you less than 10 minutes.
- Include a 1-2 minute video or 1-4 slides that summarize your research. Be sure to include information that will help others understand your topic, research methods, theoretical framework, and any findings.
- Don’t have a research project? Submit a proposal to our Imagine BC competition! Read more about submitting an Imagine BC proposal here or select the title Imagine BC in the Site header.
- Submit your proposal by 4/23 @11:59pm using this form. It should take you less than 10 minutes.
- Include a 1 -2 minute video or 1-4 slides that summarize your proposal.
Who can submit?
- Any Brooklyn College student can submit their research project ( social science topics, please! ) or an Imagine BC proposal. Sociology majors and minors are strongly encouraged to submit!
- How will winners be chosen?
- Winners will be chosen based on the number of votes they receive during the HSS Expo on 4/26 and 4/27.
- How will voting occur?
- All submissions will be posted to this website starting Monday, April 26th.
- All those who visit the website will be able to submit a vote for the best project or proposal.
- When will winners be announced?
- Winners will be announced on Monday, May 3rd on the Brooklyn College Sociology department social media pages!
- Are there prizes?
- Prizes TBD. Stay tuned!